What to look for in a good gaming laptop or PC

While buying a gaming laptop, sometimes you might find yourself carried away by the thing that doesn’t matter much. For instance, you might be tempted to trade the most essential system requirements and specs with portability, design, and many other less important factors. This is why we have created this guide on what to look for in a suitable gaming laptop or PC to help you understand the key buying factors. For those who need a curated list of affordable gaming PC with the most desired specs, check the list below:

You should note that a good gaming laptop typically features powerful hardware, high-refresh-rate displays, and enhanced cooling systems to handle the demands of modern gaming. We all know that today’s games require large space, a strong processor, and big RAM for the best experience. So, having this in mind before going to purchase your gaming laptop gives you an upper hand in buying the right machine to complete the job.

Minimum Systems Requirements for a suitable Gaming laptop

Here are the minimum system requirements you should look for while choosing a suitable Gaming laptop:

1. Processor (CPU)

The CPU power is one of the most important parts of a gaming PC you should look for before anything else. Being the part that will handle and process the game physics, AI, and multitasking, the CPU must possess enough power for gaming and any other tasks you plan to perform. We recommend that you choose at least a quad-core processor. Look for AMD Ryzen 5/7/9 or Intel Core i5/i7/i9.

2. Graphics Card (GPU)

You’ve probably heard of gamers opting to upgrade their Graphics Card, simply because they need a better way for rendering high-quality graphics and ensuring smooth gameplay. The most commendable choices on the market include NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti or RTX 2060 and above, or AMD Radeon RX 5600M and above. Make sure the GPU matches your performance goals and display resolution.

3. Memory (RAM) & Storage

When it comes to modern games, they demand bigger space to run smoothly due to the advanced graphics and file sizes. Therefore, we recommend that you go for a gaming laptop with at least 16GB DDR4 or DDR5 of RAM. This will ensure you have enough RAM for multitasking and future-proofing. On the other hand, we recommend a 500GB or 1TB SSD (Solid State Drive) or a combination of HDD and SDD for faster load times and overall system responsiveness.

4. Screen Display

Computer games are all about a good display and enhanced gaming experience with clearer, smoother visuals. So, for better visuals, go for a gaming laptop that possesses at least 1080p (FHD). However, higher resolutions like 1440p (QHD) or 4K (UHD) with a frame rate of at least 120Hz for smoother gameplay will be a better pick. But note that such resolutions require a more powerful GPU. So, it goes back to the GPU specs you considered. These should go hand-in-hand.

5. Cooling System

Laptops with advanced cooling solutions such as multiple fans, heat pipes, and possibly liquid metal thermal compounds make great gaming machines. This is because effective cooling prevents thermal throttling and maintains performance during extended gaming sessions. So, you may want to consider additional case fans, aftermarket CPU coolers, or liquid cooling systems if necessary to maintain performance and longevity.

6. Laptop Battery Life

Now, this one is a no brainer. We all know that a good laptop no matter the intended use must have a good sustaining battery that can keep you going for longer hours in case power supply is cut off. While playing low demand games, you will realize that most gaming laptops on the market will take you up to 4 hours until the next charge. Therefore, look for gaming laptops with a larger battery capacity of 70Wh to 100Wh.

Editorial Remarks:

Gaming laptops are created to be expensive due to top-notch specifications and features they embed. So, you need to consider your budget before making up your mind on what gaming PC to buy. This will help you prioritize components and features. So, allocate your budget wisely across components to avoid bottlenecks.

We hope this guide about what to look for in a suitable gaming laptop has given you a clear idea on the most important Specs and system requirements to consider while buying your next PC. You may also want to look at the audio capabilities, connectivity such as USB-A, USB-C (with power delivery and DisplayPort), HDMI, Ethernet port, and an audio jack.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a good gaming laptop need?

What makes a good gaming laptop is its capability to satisfy your game needs and system requirements by having a powerful processor (CPU), enough RAM above 16GB, ample storage space, long-lasting battery, powerful GPU with enough memory, and many more specs.

How much RAM should a gaming laptop have?

For starters, a good gaming laptop must have 16GB or RAM or above to be able to handle the storage needs of any modern game. Additionally, more RAM give your gaming laptop the capacity to handle larger multitasking needs.

What are the most important parts of a gaming laptop?

Graphics Card (GPU), Memory (RAM) & Storage, Screen Display, Cooling System, and Laptop Battery Life are all essential for an incredible and smoother gameplay that will enhance your overall experience.

What is the best GPU for a gaming laptop?

Undoubtedly, Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 4090 is one of the best GPU that offers a better way for rendering high-quality graphics and ensuring smooth gameplay for even the heaviest game available on the market.

How many GB is best for a gaming laptop?

When it comes to storage, whether you are choosing SSD or HDD, a good starting point would be a 512GB as the minimum storage requirement for the modern games available on the market.

What processor do I need for gaming?

For starters, an Intel® Core™ i7 processor with 16GB RAM would be a good minimum requirement for any gaming PC that will be used to play modern games with high system requirements.

How do I check if my laptop is good for gaming?

Consider checking the processor (CPU), GPU, and and available RAM for your computer. A core i3 or i5 may give your a hard time while playing any modern game that requires high system and processor power. We recommend that you consider replacing your current laptop with the latest i7 or i9 with 16GB or RAM and above and a powerful Graphics Card.


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