TM WhatsApp APK by Titus Mukisa: Latest download 2023

Do you want to enjoy a wide range of exciting features beyond what the Official version of WhatsApp can offer? Hang in here while we review and uncover for you some of the functionalities (like the anti revoke feature) in the latest version of TM WhatsApp APK 2023 and explore the difference. At the end of this review, we will provide an official link where you can download and install TM updated version for 2023.

What is TM WhatsApp?

For starters, TM stands for Titus Mukisa, a Ugandan Tech enthusiast behind this amazing WhatsApp version on our lips today. So, that makes TM WhatsApp one of the best Ugandan IT products that have stolen a show of late.

Titus Mukisa came up with the TM WhatsApp to offer updates with extra features compared to those in the official Whatsapp version. As we talk, TM has had several updates until the recently released version (APK v8.61) of 2023 available for download for both Android and iOS on their official website.

TM WhatsApp Updated Version Features

With a wide range of features, TM WhatsApp has gained popularity in Uganda, Kenya, and USA, topping the list of one of the mostly downloaded unofficial WhatsApp version on the internet. Here are the features in the latest version of TM WhatsApp:

1. Auto Reply:

TM WhatsApp comes with an auto reply feature, allowing to you create customized responses that will be sent to your contacts in case they text you while you are away.  This feature is mostly essential for business individuals.

2. Ultimate Groups:

Not like other WhatsApp versions, TM allows you to create ultimate groups where you can add more than just 256 members available on the official version. This will help you create a community of people more what you have ever imagined.

3. Send Empty Message:

Another exciting feature in the TM WhatsApp version is its ability to let you deliver empty messages to your recipients, playfully adding fun to your communication.

4. Unblock/Block Notification:

There is nothing interesting than knowing when someone has blocked you. You won’t waste any more energy in sending them messages they will never read. So, TM WhatsApp updated version comes with a feature that lets you know when someone has blocked or unblocked you.

5. Anti-Ban feature:

There is panic in using the unofficial versions of WhatsApp, but TM updated version of 2023 have solved this. Now, you are safe from being banned temporarily or permanently. The Anti-ban feature in TM WhatsApp ensures that you are protected; hence, you won’t face any bans.

6. Privacy features:

With TM latest version, you can now hide your last seen, edit sent message, freeze last seen, and also activate the anti-delete status that allows you to see deleted statuses before the 24 hours elapse.

7. Anti-Revoke Messages:

It’s strange when someone sends a message and then deletes before you see it. Thanks to the Anti-Revoke Messages in TM WhatsApp latest version. Now you can still see all the deleted messages from your sender.

8. Inbuilt VPN:

TM WhatsApp also helps you to set your location to an desired place with the use of it inbuilt VPN feature. This way, you are able to access regional restricted content and other services.

9. Anti-View Once:

This is my favorite feature. You have realized how people send images you can only view once then they disappear? Now, the Anti-View Once feature in TM WhatsApp will still keep the images visible for you to view any number of times.

10. Lock App:

Lastly, there is the Lock App feature in the latest version of TM WhatsApp that allows you to add another layer of security to your apps. You can secure your WhatsApp application with a Fingerprint, patter, or PIN to prevent unauthorized access.

Download Official TM WhatsApp APK 2023?

Tm WhatsApp updated version 2023 by Titus Mukisa is available for download from their official website. Click here to download and install the latest version with Anti ban and anti revoke message features.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TM WhatsApp APK?

TM is the latest WhatsApp version and Mod created by a Ugandan tech enthusiast and software developer, Titus Mukisa. It’s available for use anywhere in the world.

Who created TM WhatsApp APK?

TM WhatsApp was engineered and developed by Titus Mukisa, a Ugandan Software developer and it is available for use across the globe.

How do I download TM WhatsApp APK on Mobile?

To download TM WhatsApp APK on your mobile device, simply search for “TM WhatsApp APK latest Update” in the browser, or go straight to to get the latest updates.

How to update TM WhatsApp APK by Titus Mukisa

To simplify the process of updating TM WhatsApp, simply download the Updater Apk from Softek IT by Titus Mukisa.

What is the latest version of WhatsApp by Titus Mukisa?

TM WhatsApp v8.65 (Anti-Ban Version) 2023 is the latest version available for download on both Android and iOS devices.

Does TM WhatsApp have anti ban feature?

Yes, TM Whatsapp comes with both anti ban and anti revoke messages that make the whole process of online chatting a great experience.


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